Jessica Grahn
Research Opportunities
Past Honours Thesis Projects
Independent Study Projects
Postdoctoral Position
Lab facilities
Research Summaries
News Archive
Women & Science
Writing tips
Guide to scientific writing
verbal false limbs and pretentious diction
guide to scientific writing
, from Andy Field
The Thesis Whisperer
(great blog for grads)
Strunk and White
never goes out of style.
Tips for Writing up a Thesis
(this is geared to PhD students, but the principles apply to any thesis)
The Writer's Diet Test
to determine if your writing is "flabby or fit
Comprehensive guide to writing/publishing a paper
Preprint templates
: create a preprint with publication-style formatting
How to review a paper
, tips on being
a good reviewer,
more tips
Sound Processing
The basics of music acoustics
FAQ on music acoustics
(free sound editing software)
MatLab scripts for reading and writing MIDI files
(useful for someone who wants to generate stimuli in MIDI format)
MatLab script for processing WAV files
(older versions would have used wavread)
Excel tips
How to create a
pivot table
in Excel 2003/2010 (video)
What are and how to
use formulas
in Excel (video)
basic formulas
to create averages, sums, or counts of data (video)
Mr excellent resource--tips, tutorials, or search the forum/
ask a ?
tips page
: use the search or just browse by category
collections and tips for beginners
How to do a one-sample t-test in Excel
PivotPower add-in (free version available) Helpful Pivot Table commands!
AET Chart Tools Add in
Free online Excel training that adapts to your skill level.
E-Prime help
E-Prime Getting Started Guide
E-Prime User's Guide
E-Prime 2.0 Reference Guide Manual
Another E-prime introductory tutorial
E-Prime data export
Merging data from many subjects into one file, ready for export to Excel
output file
filtering and column arranging example
E-Prime timing modes and pre-release
E-prime Knowledge Base (problems)
triggering external hardware
has a great youtube channel with many webinar videos:
E-Prime video introduction
E-Prime 2.0 Basic Webinar
E-Prime How To: Task Events
E-Prime How To: Nested Lists
Slide State Creation
Experiment Advisor
Advanced Attributes
Startup Info and Devices
Computer programming
Intro to Python course. Python is a useful, flexible language
Structure of computer programs course
Amazing list of psychology and computing links (useful software/tools, etc)
--the 'low-fat', FREE, alternative to SPSS. Highly recommended.
Learning stats with R
walk-throughs of SPSS procedures (from plots to ANOVA)
SPSS: How to conduct a repeated measures ANOVA
SPSS: How to conduct a repeated measures ANCOVA
Post-hoc tests in repeated-measures
, from Howell
CBU Stats wiki: FAQ
What is 'power'? What is meant by 'observed power'?
Fabulous and clear
article on error bars
. Required reading.
Better graphs:
Beyond bar graphs
Dot plot bar graphs in excel
CircStats Toolbox - for
, for
Why not to report p = .02594839506 (
significant figures/digits in stats
Correlations and covariates
Why mean-center covariates?
How to graph a partial correlation (e.g., adjusted for covariates)
Comparing correlation coefficients, slopes, intercepts
Compare nonoverlapping but correlated correlation coefficients
d' and signal detection theory
Presentation on d' analysis and the formulas required
Clear article describing d', B, c, and how to understand them
Wikipedia entry on
Sensitivity and Specificity
: d' captures both
Multi-level model info
CBU stats wiki: multi-level models
Examples of multi-level model fitting in SPSS
Multilevel Models and ANOVAs in SPSS
Handy (free) software/scripts
(Windows) adds "copy filenames" to right click: handy for importing file lists into E-prime or excel)
is great for organizing information--some use it as a lab notebook.
FileMenuTools (Windows) Customize right-click menu
(greater functionality than CopyFilenames)
(organize pdfs and references)
(folder share)
NX No Machine
(VNC client software)
MIDI files from text
Save videos
from Youtube for talks
Ethics related information
Human Research Ethics
- at Western
Ethics online submission platform
Psychology research participation pool
Tip for Accessing Papers off Campus
**Applicable to Western students only**
Access papers off campus by simply adding
behind the .com. This will then ask you to enter your UWO id & password.
Basic commands
Learning unix/linux
Presentation tips
ow to make a great poster
Fabulous site with templates and tips
Force Powerpoint to export high resolution images
Remove annoying 'play/pause' bar and media controls from sound/video
Raster vs. Vector images
: why do my figures look pixelated? Use vector.
Drop powerpoint & make interesting online presentations
using Prezzi!
Online experiments: tips and tricks
Collection of resources on Mechanical Turk and others
Running experiments on MTurk
Career Tips and Advice
For post-docs and junior faculty: jobs
How to nurture scientists
(awesome links for many career levels--Uri Alon)
Useful aggregation of job search advice (from applying to negotiating)
Academic Scientist's toolkit: Helpful info on job search and career
Tips on negotiating a first academic position
The Life of a Data Scientist
For post-docs and junior faculty: career
HHMI guide to scientific management
Very comprehensive!
CIHR career guide for new PIs
Early career management: research plans, management, teaching
Human Frontiers Art of Grantsmanship
Tips on running an undergraduate lab
How to write a reference letter
Action Programs: better to-do lists for juggling multiple projects
John Hopkins Postdoctoral Funding Opportunity Database
For students
Student and supervisor resources from the thesis whisperer
Jody Culham's advice to young scientists
How to manage your supervisor (geared to undergrads)
How to ask for a letter of reference
Writing a personal statement for grad school
Writing a 'letter of motivation'
(applies to personal statements, too!)
Resume advice for undergraduates (from Yale)
How to write a CV
- Example CVs
Employability skills service
Time management: the difference between urgent and important
Tips for PhD students
Lessons from my PhD
interviews with people in various professions and how they got there
Outside academia:
Versatile PhD
is a great site for exploring options
Career resources at Western
for grads and undergrads
University Interview Guide
is a UK based guide that offers tips on how to succeed in grad school interviews.
The Ultimate Guide to Completing an Application Form
Effect of music on a man with Parkinson's disease
Oliver Sacks on music and Parkinson's disease
Oliver Sacks on the power of rhythm
Snowball, a dancing cockatiel
One of the only non-human species to get the 'beat'
There is no movement without rhythm
: the Baro people in Guinea
Toddler moves to music
Not all animals find metronomes helpful
(also cute)
Elder man reacts to music from his era
Scientific Writing: Beyond Tips and Tricks
Brain anatomy and fMRI links
Excellent 3D renderings of brain structures
Brain Tutor: learn common brain areas and their function
SPL brain anatomy browser: more structure in 3D
Detailed schematic of brain (at undergrad/grad bio psych level)
Brain systems: beginner/intermediate/advanced levels
HOPES Brain tutorial: basic but good
What is 'Connectivity' in fMRI?
A very basic MRI structural tutorial I created some decades ago
MRC CBU imaging wiki
MIT's imaging wiki
automatic analysis:
aa wiki
All aa default parameters in a list
MarsBar help
How to create ROIs in MarsBar
How to export ROIs to NifTi or Analyze
How to extract data from Regions of Interest in MarsBar
Degrees in Music + Neuroscience
I supervise music neuroscience MSc and PhD students in
UWO Psychology-- Cognitive Developmental Brain Sciences
UWO Neuroscience
Other programs of interest:
McMaster Institute for Music and the Mind
Music Psychology, Jyvaskyla, Finland
Music, Mind, and Brain, Goldsmiths College, London, UK
Institute for Music in Human and Social Development, Edinburgh, Scotland
Lots of labs listed and general music neuro info:
Music Cognition U.
Society for Music Perception and Cognition
Music Lab List
Funding opportunities
UWO funding opportunities list
Michael J. Fox Foundation
Parkinson Society Canada
Alfred P. Sloan
Parkinson's Funding NINDS
Parkinson's Foundation
Heart and Stroke foundation
Conference Funding
Society for Neuroscience travel grants (PDoc, Grad, Undergrad)
Graduate Women in Science
(grad to early faculty, any nationality)
Parkinson's disease foundation
(summer undergrad/postdoc, North America)
Parkinson Society Canada
(grad, March)
APA summer science fellowship
(undergrad, Spring)
Ontario Mental Health Fund fellowship
s (grad/postdoc/early career, Citizen/PR, Fall)
Banting fellowships
(postdoc, any citizenship, Fall).
U Ottawa list of Postdoc opportunities
Check the usual NSERC, CIHR, and SSHRC (Fall).
University of Western Ontario pages
UWO homepage
Psychology homepage
E-Journals search
Neuroscience Library Databases
ISI Web of Knowledge
Financial Services Forms
My Human Resources (to update pay and personal details)
UWO letterhead
Other Psychology dept forms (ethics, online expense, templates, etc.)
How to get
Monthly Grant statements
and more
Teaching links
teaching support centre
Active Learning
UWO Guide to being a TA
How to avoid overprepping for classes