Some of the studies below have brief descriptions in 'Current Research', where you can also listen to the auditory stimuli used.
T. Nguyen*, R. Lagacé-Cusiac*, J.C. Everling*, M.J. Henry*, J.A. Grahn. Audiovisual integration of rhythm in musicians and dancers (2024). Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 86, 1400-1416.
N. Jacoby, R. Polak, J.A. Grahn, D. Cameron, K. M. Lee, R. Godoy, E. A. Undurraga, T. Huanca, T. Thalwitzer, N. Doumbia, D. Goldberg, E. Margulis, P. C. M. Wong, L. Jure, M. Rocamora, S. Fujii, P. E. Savage, J. Ajimi, R. Konno, S. Oishi, K. Jakubowski, A. Holzapfel, E. Mungan, E. Kaya, P. Rao, R. M. Ananthanarayana, S. Alladi, B. Tarr, M. Anglada-Tort, P. Harrison, M. J. McPherson, S. Dolan, A. Durango & J. H. McDermott. Commonality and variation in mental representations of music revealed by a cross-cultural comparison of rhythm priors in 15 countries. Nature Human Behavior (2024).
A. Al Jaja*, T. Sue, M. Prenger, K. N. Seergobin, J A. Grahn, P. A. MacDonald. Alprazolam Reduces Freezing of Gait (FOG) and Improves FOG-Related Gait Deficiencies. (2024). Parkinson’s Disease, 2024.
A. S. Sternin, L. M. McGarry, B. Stojanoski, J.A. Grahn, A.M. Owen. The effect of repetition on intersubject synchrony assessed with fMRI. (2023) Cortex. 167, 51–64.
C.Y. Yu*, J.A. Grahn, C.M. Vanden Bosch der Nederlanden*. How do we feel the beat? Estimating differences in rhythmic regularity for speech and song. (2023). Frontiers in Psychology, 14, 1167003.
D.L. Kogutek*, E.A. Ready*, J.D. Holmes, J.A. Grahn. Synchronization during Improvised Active Music Therapy in clients with Parkinson’s disease. (2023). Nordic Journal of Music Therapy, 32:3, 202-219.
A. Gibbings*, D. Cruse, B. Stojanoski, J.A. Grahn, M.J. Henry. Attention modulates neural measures of beat perception (2023) European Journal of Neuroscience. 57(9), 1529-1545.
D.L. Kogutek*, E.A. Ready*, J.D. Holmes, J.A. Grahn. Evaluating note frequency and velocity during Improvised Active Music Therapy in clients with Parkinson’s (2023) Journal of Music Therapy 60(1), 36-63.
C. Vanden Bosch der Nederlanden*, X. Qi*, S. Sequeira*, P. Seth*, J.A. Grahn, M. Joanisse, E. Hannon. Developmental changes in the perceptual categorization of speech and song (2023) Developmental Science 26(5), e13346.
R. Lagacé-Cusiac*, P.F. Tremblay, D. Ansari, J.A Grahn. Investigating the relationships between temporal and spatial ratio estimation and magnitude discrimination using structural equation modeling: Evidence for a common ratio processing system. (2022) Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 49(1), 108–128.
L.N. Gabel, A.R. Daoust, T.M. Olino, J.A. Grahn, C. E. Durbin, E.P. Hayden. Children's emotional reactivity to emotionally evocative stimuli: Associations with internalizing symptoms. (2022) Merrill-Palmer Quarterly, 68(4), 437-477.
E.A. Ready*, J.A. Grahn. Gait in younger and older adults during rhythmic auditory stimulation is influenced by groove, familiarity, beat perception, and synchronization demands (2022) Human Movement Science 84:102972
C.M.Vanden Bosch der Nederlanden*, M.F. Joanisse, J.A. Grahn, T.M. Snijders. Familiarity modulates neural tracking of sung and spoken utterances (2022). NeuroImage, 252, 119049
P. Hsu*, E.A. Ready*, J.A. Grahn, The effects of Parkinson’s disease, music training, and dance training on beat perception and production abilities (2022). PLoS ONE 17(3), e0264587.
T. Nguyen*, R.K. Sidhu*, J.C. Everling*, M.C. Wickett, A. Gibbings*, J.A. Grahn. Beat perception and production in musicians and dancers (2022). Music Perception, 39(3), 229-248.
J.D. Hoddinott*, D. Schuit*, J.A. Grahn. Comparisons between short-term memory systems for verbal and rhythmic stimuli (2021). Neuropsychologia, 123
A. Sternin*, L.M. McGarry*, A.M. Owen, J.A. Grahn. The effect of familiarity on neural representations of music and language (2021). Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 33(8), 1595-1611.
B. Roberts*, E.A. Ready*, J.A. Grahn. Music enjoyment does not enhance walking speed in healthy adults during music-based auditory cueing (2021). Gait and Posture, 89, 132-138. Brief online summary
L-A. Leow*, S. Watson*, D. Prete*, K. Waclawik*, J.A. Grahn. How groove in music affects gait (2021). Experimental Brain Research, 239(8), 2419-2433. doi: 10.1007/s00221-021-06083-y
L.D. Crosby, J.L. Chen, J.A. Grahn, K.K. Patterson. The Effect of Rhythm Abilities on Metronome-Cued Walking with an Induced Temporal Gait Asymmetry in Neurotypical Adults (2021). Journal of Motor Behaviour. Full-text here
B. Samuels*, J.A. Grahn, M.J. Henry*, S. MacDougall-Shackleton, European starlings (Sturnus vulgaris) discriminate rhythms by rate, not temporal patterns (2021). The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 149(4), 2546-2558. PDF version of the article This article may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and the Acoustical Society of America.
C. Nwebube, G.E. Faulkner, L.R. Bartel, T.A. Stukel, D.A. Redelmeier, S. Marzolini, J.L. Chen, J.M. Goodman, P.I. Oh, L.J. Trainor, J. Wolpert, J.A. Grahn, P. Raval, D.A. Alter. Rhythmic auditory music stimulation increases task-distraction during exercise among cardiac rehabilitation patients: A secondary analysis of a randomized controlled trial (2020). Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 53, 101868.
L.D. Crosby, J.S. Wong, J.L. Chen, J.A. Grahn, K.K. Patterson. An initial investigation of the Responsiveness of temporal gait asymmetry to rhythmic auditory stimulation and the relationship to rhythm ability following stroke (2020). Frontiers in Neurology, 11, 1214.
D. Rose, D.J. Cameron, P.J. Lovatt, J.A. Grahn, L.E. Annett. Comparison of spontaneous motor tempo during finger tapping, toe tapping and stepping on the spot in people with and without Parkinson’s disease (2020). Journal of Movement Disorders.
A. Marti Marca*, T. Nguyen*, J.A. Grahn. Keep calm and pump up the jams: How musical mood and arousal affect visual attention (2020). Music & Science, 3.
C. Vanden Bosch der Nederlanden*, M.F. Joanisse, J.A. Grahn. Music as a scaffold for listening to speech: Better neural phase-locking to song than speech (2020). NeuroImage, 214, 116767.
A. Al Jaja*, J.A. Grahn, B. Herrmann, P.A. MacDonald. The effect of aging, Parkinson’s disease, and exogenous dopamine on the neural response associated with auditory regularity processing (2020). The Neurobiology of Aging, 81, 71-82.
D. Rose, D.J. Cameron, P.J. Lovatt, J.A. Grahn, L.E. Annett. Comparison of spontaneous motor tempo during finger tapping, toe tapping and stepping on the spot in people with and without Parkinson’s disease (2020). Journal of Movement Disorders, 13(1), 47-56.
J.E.T. Taylor, J.A. Grahn. Simple random interval generation reveals the irresistibly periodic structure of perceived time. (2019) Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics.
L.N. Gable, A.R. Daoust, J.A. Grahn, C.E. Durbin, E.P. Hayden. Development and validation of a battery of emotionally evocative film clips for use with young children. (2019) Psychological Assessment, 31(8), 1040–1051.
E. A. Ready, L. M. McGarry, C. Rinchon, J. D Holmes, J.A. Grahn. Beat perception ability and instructions to synchronize influence gait when walking to music-based auditory cues. (2019) Gait & Posture, 68:555-561.
S. Modarresi, A. Divine, J.A. Grahn, T. J. Overend, S. W. Hunter. Gait parameters and characteristics associated with increased risk of falls in people with dementia: a systematic review. (2018) International Psychogeriatrics, 6:1-17.
L. McKetton, D. Purcell, V. Stone, J.A. Grahn, C. Bergevin. No otoacoustic evidence for a peripheral basis of absolute pitch. (2018) Hearing Research, 370:201-208.
K.K. Patterson, J. Wong, S. Knorr, J.A. Grahn. Rhythm perception and production abilities and their relationship to gait after stroke. (2018) Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 95:945-51.
D.J. Levitin, J.A. Grahn, J. London. The psychology of music: Rhythm and movement. (2018) Annual Review of Psychology, 69:51-75. PDF version of the article.
F.L. Bouwer*, J.A. Burgoyne, D. Odijk, H. Honing, J.A. Grahn. What makes a rhythm complex? The influence of musical training and accent type on beat perception. (2018) PLoSONE. PDF version of the article. Brief online summary
J.A. Grahn. Tuning the brain to musical delight. (2017) Nature Human Behaviour, 2, 17-18. doi:10.1038/s41562-017-0236-9
L.-A. Leow*, K. Waclawik*, J.A. Grahn. The role of attention and intention in synchronization to music: effects on gait. (2017) Experimental Brain Research. PDF version of Article.
T. Nguyen*, J.A. Grahn (2017). Mind your music: The effects of music-induced mood and arousal across different memory tasks. Psychomusicology: Music, Mind, and Brain, 27(2), 81-94. PDF version of the Article. Brief online summary
M.J. Henry*, B. Herrmann, J.A. Grahn, What can we learn about beat perception by comparing brain signals and stimulus envelopes? (2017), PLoSONE, 12(2):e0172454. PDF version of the Article.
E.S. Nichols*, J.A.Grahn. The neural correlates of audiovisual integration in music reading (2016) Neuropsychologia. https://doi:10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2016.08.011. PDF version of the Article.
D.L. Kogutek, J.D. Holmes, J.A. Grahn Active Music Therapy in the Treatment of Physical Improvement in Rehabilitation. (2016) Advances in Mind-Body Medicine, 30(4), 14-22. PDF version of the article. Brief Online Summary
C.E. Carter*, J. A. Grahn. Optimizing music learning: Exploring how blocked and interleaved practice schedules affect advanced performance (2016) Frontiers in Psychology. PDF version of the Article.
D.J. Cameron*, K.A. Pickett, G.M. Earhart, J.A. Grahn, The effect of dopaminergic medication on beat-based auditory timing in Parkinson’s disease. (2016) Frontiers in Neurology, PDF version of the Article.
D.J. Cameron, J.A. Grahn, The Neuroscience of Rhythm (2015) In: Oxford Handbook of Music Psychology, 2nd Edition. Eds. Susan Hallam, Ian Cross, Michael Thaut. Oxford University Press. doi:10.1093/oxfordhb/9780198722946.013.25
A. Corbett, A. Owen, A. Hampshire, J. A. Grahn, R. Stenton, S. Dajani, A. Burns, R. Howard, N. Williams, C. Ballard. The effect of an online training package on cognition in healthy adults over 50: an online randomised controlled trial (2015) JAMDA Journal of the American Medical Directors Association. https://doi:10.1016/j.jamda.2015.06.014 PDF version of the Article.
J.D. Holmes, L.K. Brigham, M.E. Jenkins, E.A. Ready, S.G. Lutz, A.M. Johnson, J.A. Grahn. The effects of manipulating spatial location of visual cue placement on gait among individuals with Parkinson's disease: A pilot study (2015) Physical and Occupational Therapy in Geriatrics, 33: 263-278. doi: 10.3109/02703181.2015.1045109 PDF version of the Article.
D.J. Cameron, J.A. Grahn. Cross-cultural influences on rhythm processing: Reproduction, discrimination, and beat Tapping (2015), Frontiers in Auditory Cognitive Neuroscience, 6:366, doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2015.00366 PDF version of the Article.
L.-A. Leow*, V.-R. Rinchon , J.A. Grahn. Familiar music increases walking speed in rhythmic auditory cueing (2015) Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1337: 53-61, doi: 10.1111/nyas.12658 PDF version of the Article. Brief online summary
S. Reaves, B. Graham, J. A. Grahn, P. Rabannifard, A. Duarte. Turn off the music! Music impairs visual associative memory performance in older adults (2015) The Gerontologist, 0(0): 1-10, doi: 10.1093/geront/gnu113 PDF version of the Article. Brief online summary
H. Merchant, J.A. Grahn, L.J. Trainor, M. Rohrmeier, W.T. Fitch. Finding the beat: a neural perspective across human and non-human primates (2015) Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B, doi: 10.1098/rstb.2014.0093 PDF version of the Article.
D.J. Cameron, J.A. Grahn. Enhanced temporal production abilities in percussionists generalize beyond entrainment and musical plausibility (2014) Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 8:1003. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2014.01003 PDF version of the Article. Brief online summary
L.-A. Leow*, T. Parrot, J. A. Grahn. Individual differences in beat perception affect gait responses to low- and high-groove music (2014) Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 8:811. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2014.00811 PDF version of the Article. Brief online summary
D.J. Cameron, J.A. Grahn. Neuroscientific investigations of musical rhythm (2014), Acoustics Australia, 42(2), 111 - 116 PDF version of the Article.
A. J., Hall, T.A. Brown, J.A. Grahn, J. S. Gati, P.L. Nixon, S.M. Hughes... & S.G. Lomber. There's more than one way to scan a cat: Imaging cat auditory cortex with high-field fMRI using continuous or sparse sampling. (2014) Journal of Neuroscience Methods. 224, 96-106. PDF version of the Article.
S.L. Watson, J.A. Grahn. Perspectives on rhythm processing in motor regions of the brain (2013), Music Therapy Perspectives 31(1): 25-30. PDF version of the Article.
R. Woelfle, J.A. Grahn. Auditory and visual interhemispheric communication in musicians and non-musicians. (2013) PloSONE, 8(12), e84446. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0084446 PDF version of the Article.
C. Nombela, L. E. Hughes, A. M. Owen, J.A. Grahn. Into the groove: Can rhythm influence Parkinson's disease? (2013) Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, 37(10), 2564-2570. PDF version of the Article.
M. Urner, M. Sarri, J. A. Grahn, T. Manly, G. Rees, K. Friston. The role of prestimulus activity in visual extinction. (2013) Neuropsychologia, 51(8), 1630-1637. PDF version of the Article.
C. Nombela, C.L. Rae, J.A. Grahn, R.A. Barker, A.M. Owen, J.B. Rowe. How often does music and rhythm improve patients' perception of motor symptoms in Parkinson's disease? (2013) Journal of Neurology, 260(5), 1404-1405. doi:10.1007/s00415-013-6860-z PDF version of the Article. Brief online summary
S. Schweizer, J.A. Grahn, A. Hampshire, D. Mobbs, T. Dalgleish. Training the emotional brain: Improving affective control through emotional working memory training. (2013) Journal of Neuroscience, 12(33) 5301-5311. doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.2593-12.2013 PDF version of the Article.
J.A. Grahn, D. Schuit. Individual differences in rhythmic abilities: behavioural and fMRI investigations. (2012) Psychomusicology: Music, Mind, & Brain 22:105-121. PDF version of the Article. Brief online summary
J.A. Grahn, T. Manly. Common neural recruitment across diverse sustained attention tasks. (2012) PLoSONE 7(11): e49556, doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0049556 PDF version of the Article.
J.A. Grahn. Neural mechanisms of rhythm perception: Current findings and future perspectives. (2012) Topics in Cognitive Science, 4, 585-606. PDF version of the Article. Brief online summary
J.A. Grahn. See what I hear? Beat perception in auditory and visual rhythms. (2012). Experimental Brain Research, 220, 51-61. PDF version of the Article.
J.A. Grahn, J.B. Rowe. Finding and feeling the musical beat: Striatal dissociations between detection and prediction of regularity. (2012) Cerebral Cortex, doi: 10.1093/cercor/bhs083 PDF version of the Article. Brief online summary
J.A. Grahn. Advances in neuroimaging techniques: implications for the shared syntactic integration resource hypothesis. (2012), In: Language and Music as Cognitive Systems (Rebuschat, P., Rohrmeier, M., Hawkins, J., & Cross, I., eds). Oxford: Oxford University Press. doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199553426.003.0024 PDF version of the Article.
J.A. Grahn, M. J. Henry, J.D. McAuley. FMRI investigations of cross-modal interactions in beat perception: Audition primes vision, but not vice versa (2011) NeuroImage 54(2):1231-43. PDF version of the Article. Brief online summary
J.A. Grahn. Review of psychology of music: From sound to significance (2011), Empirical Musicology Review, 6, 138-140. PDF version of the Article.
A.M. Owen, A. Hampshire, J.A. Grahn, R. Stenton, S. Dajani, A.S. Burns, R.J. Howard, C. G. Ballard. Putting brain training to the test. (2010) Nature, 465, 775–778. PDF version of the Article.
J.A. Grahn, J.B. Rowe. Feeling the beat: premotor and striatal interactions in musicians and non-musicians during beat perception. (2009), Journal of Neuroscience, 29(23), 7540-7548. PDF version of the Article. Supplementary Material. Brief online summary
J.A. Grahn, J.D. McAuley. Neural bases of individual differences in beat perception. (2009), NeuroImage, 47, 1894-1903. PDF version of the Article.
J.A. Grahn, M. Brett. Impairment of beat-based rhythm discrimination in Parkinson's disease. (2009), Cortex, 45(1), 54-61. PDF version of the Article. Brief online summary
R.P. Carlyon, J.M. Deeks, Y. Shtyrov, J.A. Grahn, H.E. Gockel, O. Hauk, and F. Pulvermuller, Changes in the perceived duration of a narrowband sound induced by a preceding stimulus. (2009), Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 35(6):1898-912. PDF version of the Article.
J.A. Grahn. The role of the basal ganglia in beat perception: neuroimaging and neuropsychological investigations. (2009), Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1169, 35-45. PDF version of the Article.
J.A. Grahn, J. Parkinson, A. M. Owen. The role of the basal ganglia in learning and memory: neuropsychological studies (2009), Behavioural Brain Research, 199(1), 53-60. PDF version of the Article.
J.A. Grahn, Neuroscientific investigations of musical rhythm: recent advances and future challenges (2009) Contemporary Music Review, 28(3), 251-277. PDF version of the Article.
J.A. Grahn, J. Parkinson, A. M. Owen. The cognitive functions of the caudate nucleus. (2008), Progress in Neurobiology, 86(3), 141-155. PDF version of the Article.
J.A. Grahn, M. Brett. Rhythm and beat perception in motor areas of the brain. (2007), Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 19(5), 893-906. PDF version of the Article. Brief online summary
J.A. Grahn, A. M. Owen, Memory: Obstacle avoidance without visual cues. (2006) Current Biology, 16(7), R247-R249. PDF version of the Article.
My PhD Thesis: Behavioural and functional imaging studies of rhythm processing
T. Nguyen*, R. Lagacé-Cusiac*, J.C. Everling*, M.J. Henry*, J.A. Grahn. Audiovisual integration of rhythm in musicians and dancers (2024). Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 86, 1400-1416.
N. Jacoby, R. Polak, J.A. Grahn, D. Cameron, K. M. Lee, R. Godoy, E. A. Undurraga, T. Huanca, T. Thalwitzer, N. Doumbia, D. Goldberg, E. Margulis, P. C. M. Wong, L. Jure, M. Rocamora, S. Fujii, P. E. Savage, J. Ajimi, R. Konno, S. Oishi, K. Jakubowski, A. Holzapfel, E. Mungan, E. Kaya, P. Rao, R. M. Ananthanarayana, S. Alladi, B. Tarr, M. Anglada-Tort, P. Harrison, M. J. McPherson, S. Dolan, A. Durango & J. H. McDermott. Commonality and variation in mental representations of music revealed by a cross-cultural comparison of rhythm priors in 15 countries. Nature Human Behavior (2024).
A. Al Jaja*, T. Sue, M. Prenger, K. N. Seergobin, J A. Grahn, P. A. MacDonald. Alprazolam Reduces Freezing of Gait (FOG) and Improves FOG-Related Gait Deficiencies. (2024). Parkinson’s Disease, 2024.
A. S. Sternin, L. M. McGarry, B. Stojanoski, J.A. Grahn, A.M. Owen. The effect of repetition on intersubject synchrony assessed with fMRI. (2023) Cortex. 167, 51–64.
C.Y. Yu*, J.A. Grahn, C.M. Vanden Bosch der Nederlanden*. How do we feel the beat? Estimating differences in rhythmic regularity for speech and song. (2023). Frontiers in Psychology, 14, 1167003.
D.L. Kogutek*, E.A. Ready*, J.D. Holmes, J.A. Grahn. Synchronization during Improvised Active Music Therapy in clients with Parkinson’s disease. (2023). Nordic Journal of Music Therapy, 32:3, 202-219.
A. Gibbings*, D. Cruse, B. Stojanoski, J.A. Grahn, M.J. Henry. Attention modulates neural measures of beat perception (2023) European Journal of Neuroscience. 57(9), 1529-1545.
D.L. Kogutek*, E.A. Ready*, J.D. Holmes, J.A. Grahn. Evaluating note frequency and velocity during Improvised Active Music Therapy in clients with Parkinson’s (2023) Journal of Music Therapy 60(1), 36-63.
C. Vanden Bosch der Nederlanden*, X. Qi*, S. Sequeira*, P. Seth*, J.A. Grahn, M. Joanisse, E. Hannon. Developmental changes in the perceptual categorization of speech and song (2023) Developmental Science 26(5), e13346.
R. Lagacé-Cusiac*, P.F. Tremblay, D. Ansari, J.A Grahn. Investigating the relationships between temporal and spatial ratio estimation and magnitude discrimination using structural equation modeling: Evidence for a common ratio processing system. (2022) Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 49(1), 108–128.
L.N. Gabel, A.R. Daoust, T.M. Olino, J.A. Grahn, C. E. Durbin, E.P. Hayden. Children's emotional reactivity to emotionally evocative stimuli: Associations with internalizing symptoms. (2022) Merrill-Palmer Quarterly, 68(4), 437-477.
E.A. Ready*, J.A. Grahn. Gait in younger and older adults during rhythmic auditory stimulation is influenced by groove, familiarity, beat perception, and synchronization demands (2022) Human Movement Science 84:102972
C.M.Vanden Bosch der Nederlanden*, M.F. Joanisse, J.A. Grahn, T.M. Snijders. Familiarity modulates neural tracking of sung and spoken utterances (2022). NeuroImage, 252, 119049
P. Hsu*, E.A. Ready*, J.A. Grahn, The effects of Parkinson’s disease, music training, and dance training on beat perception and production abilities (2022). PLoS ONE 17(3), e0264587.
T. Nguyen*, R.K. Sidhu*, J.C. Everling*, M.C. Wickett, A. Gibbings*, J.A. Grahn. Beat perception and production in musicians and dancers (2022). Music Perception, 39(3), 229-248.
J.D. Hoddinott*, D. Schuit*, J.A. Grahn. Comparisons between short-term memory systems for verbal and rhythmic stimuli (2021). Neuropsychologia, 123
A. Sternin*, L.M. McGarry*, A.M. Owen, J.A. Grahn. The effect of familiarity on neural representations of music and language (2021). Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 33(8), 1595-1611.
B. Roberts*, E.A. Ready*, J.A. Grahn. Music enjoyment does not enhance walking speed in healthy adults during music-based auditory cueing (2021). Gait and Posture, 89, 132-138. Brief online summary
L-A. Leow*, S. Watson*, D. Prete*, K. Waclawik*, J.A. Grahn. How groove in music affects gait (2021). Experimental Brain Research, 239(8), 2419-2433. doi: 10.1007/s00221-021-06083-y
L.D. Crosby, J.L. Chen, J.A. Grahn, K.K. Patterson. The Effect of Rhythm Abilities on Metronome-Cued Walking with an Induced Temporal Gait Asymmetry in Neurotypical Adults (2021). Journal of Motor Behaviour. Full-text here
B. Samuels*, J.A. Grahn, M.J. Henry*, S. MacDougall-Shackleton, European starlings (Sturnus vulgaris) discriminate rhythms by rate, not temporal patterns (2021). The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 149(4), 2546-2558. PDF version of the article This article may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and the Acoustical Society of America.
C. Nwebube, G.E. Faulkner, L.R. Bartel, T.A. Stukel, D.A. Redelmeier, S. Marzolini, J.L. Chen, J.M. Goodman, P.I. Oh, L.J. Trainor, J. Wolpert, J.A. Grahn, P. Raval, D.A. Alter. Rhythmic auditory music stimulation increases task-distraction during exercise among cardiac rehabilitation patients: A secondary analysis of a randomized controlled trial (2020). Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 53, 101868.
L.D. Crosby, J.S. Wong, J.L. Chen, J.A. Grahn, K.K. Patterson. An initial investigation of the Responsiveness of temporal gait asymmetry to rhythmic auditory stimulation and the relationship to rhythm ability following stroke (2020). Frontiers in Neurology, 11, 1214.
D. Rose, D.J. Cameron, P.J. Lovatt, J.A. Grahn, L.E. Annett. Comparison of spontaneous motor tempo during finger tapping, toe tapping and stepping on the spot in people with and without Parkinson’s disease (2020). Journal of Movement Disorders.
A. Marti Marca*, T. Nguyen*, J.A. Grahn. Keep calm and pump up the jams: How musical mood and arousal affect visual attention (2020). Music & Science, 3.
C. Vanden Bosch der Nederlanden*, M.F. Joanisse, J.A. Grahn. Music as a scaffold for listening to speech: Better neural phase-locking to song than speech (2020). NeuroImage, 214, 116767.
A. Al Jaja*, J.A. Grahn, B. Herrmann, P.A. MacDonald. The effect of aging, Parkinson’s disease, and exogenous dopamine on the neural response associated with auditory regularity processing (2020). The Neurobiology of Aging, 81, 71-82.
D. Rose, D.J. Cameron, P.J. Lovatt, J.A. Grahn, L.E. Annett. Comparison of spontaneous motor tempo during finger tapping, toe tapping and stepping on the spot in people with and without Parkinson’s disease (2020). Journal of Movement Disorders, 13(1), 47-56.
J.E.T. Taylor, J.A. Grahn. Simple random interval generation reveals the irresistibly periodic structure of perceived time. (2019) Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics.
L.N. Gable, A.R. Daoust, J.A. Grahn, C.E. Durbin, E.P. Hayden. Development and validation of a battery of emotionally evocative film clips for use with young children. (2019) Psychological Assessment, 31(8), 1040–1051.
E. A. Ready, L. M. McGarry, C. Rinchon, J. D Holmes, J.A. Grahn. Beat perception ability and instructions to synchronize influence gait when walking to music-based auditory cues. (2019) Gait & Posture, 68:555-561.
S. Modarresi, A. Divine, J.A. Grahn, T. J. Overend, S. W. Hunter. Gait parameters and characteristics associated with increased risk of falls in people with dementia: a systematic review. (2018) International Psychogeriatrics, 6:1-17.
L. McKetton, D. Purcell, V. Stone, J.A. Grahn, C. Bergevin. No otoacoustic evidence for a peripheral basis of absolute pitch. (2018) Hearing Research, 370:201-208.
K.K. Patterson, J. Wong, S. Knorr, J.A. Grahn. Rhythm perception and production abilities and their relationship to gait after stroke. (2018) Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 95:945-51.
D.J. Levitin, J.A. Grahn, J. London. The psychology of music: Rhythm and movement. (2018) Annual Review of Psychology, 69:51-75. PDF version of the article.
F.L. Bouwer*, J.A. Burgoyne, D. Odijk, H. Honing, J.A. Grahn. What makes a rhythm complex? The influence of musical training and accent type on beat perception. (2018) PLoSONE. PDF version of the article. Brief online summary
J.A. Grahn. Tuning the brain to musical delight. (2017) Nature Human Behaviour, 2, 17-18. doi:10.1038/s41562-017-0236-9
L.-A. Leow*, K. Waclawik*, J.A. Grahn. The role of attention and intention in synchronization to music: effects on gait. (2017) Experimental Brain Research. PDF version of Article.
T. Nguyen*, J.A. Grahn (2017). Mind your music: The effects of music-induced mood and arousal across different memory tasks. Psychomusicology: Music, Mind, and Brain, 27(2), 81-94. PDF version of the Article. Brief online summary
M.J. Henry*, B. Herrmann, J.A. Grahn, What can we learn about beat perception by comparing brain signals and stimulus envelopes? (2017), PLoSONE, 12(2):e0172454. PDF version of the Article.
E.S. Nichols*, J.A.Grahn. The neural correlates of audiovisual integration in music reading (2016) Neuropsychologia. https://doi:10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2016.08.011. PDF version of the Article.
D.L. Kogutek, J.D. Holmes, J.A. Grahn Active Music Therapy in the Treatment of Physical Improvement in Rehabilitation. (2016) Advances in Mind-Body Medicine, 30(4), 14-22. PDF version of the article. Brief Online Summary
C.E. Carter*, J. A. Grahn. Optimizing music learning: Exploring how blocked and interleaved practice schedules affect advanced performance (2016) Frontiers in Psychology. PDF version of the Article.
D.J. Cameron*, K.A. Pickett, G.M. Earhart, J.A. Grahn, The effect of dopaminergic medication on beat-based auditory timing in Parkinson’s disease. (2016) Frontiers in Neurology, PDF version of the Article.
D.J. Cameron, J.A. Grahn, The Neuroscience of Rhythm (2015) In: Oxford Handbook of Music Psychology, 2nd Edition. Eds. Susan Hallam, Ian Cross, Michael Thaut. Oxford University Press. doi:10.1093/oxfordhb/9780198722946.013.25
A. Corbett, A. Owen, A. Hampshire, J. A. Grahn, R. Stenton, S. Dajani, A. Burns, R. Howard, N. Williams, C. Ballard. The effect of an online training package on cognition in healthy adults over 50: an online randomised controlled trial (2015) JAMDA Journal of the American Medical Directors Association. https://doi:10.1016/j.jamda.2015.06.014 PDF version of the Article.
J.D. Holmes, L.K. Brigham, M.E. Jenkins, E.A. Ready, S.G. Lutz, A.M. Johnson, J.A. Grahn. The effects of manipulating spatial location of visual cue placement on gait among individuals with Parkinson's disease: A pilot study (2015) Physical and Occupational Therapy in Geriatrics, 33: 263-278. doi: 10.3109/02703181.2015.1045109 PDF version of the Article.
D.J. Cameron, J.A. Grahn. Cross-cultural influences on rhythm processing: Reproduction, discrimination, and beat Tapping (2015), Frontiers in Auditory Cognitive Neuroscience, 6:366, doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2015.00366 PDF version of the Article.
L.-A. Leow*, V.-R. Rinchon , J.A. Grahn. Familiar music increases walking speed in rhythmic auditory cueing (2015) Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1337: 53-61, doi: 10.1111/nyas.12658 PDF version of the Article. Brief online summary
S. Reaves, B. Graham, J. A. Grahn, P. Rabannifard, A. Duarte. Turn off the music! Music impairs visual associative memory performance in older adults (2015) The Gerontologist, 0(0): 1-10, doi: 10.1093/geront/gnu113 PDF version of the Article. Brief online summary
H. Merchant, J.A. Grahn, L.J. Trainor, M. Rohrmeier, W.T. Fitch. Finding the beat: a neural perspective across human and non-human primates (2015) Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B, doi: 10.1098/rstb.2014.0093 PDF version of the Article.
D.J. Cameron, J.A. Grahn. Enhanced temporal production abilities in percussionists generalize beyond entrainment and musical plausibility (2014) Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 8:1003. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2014.01003 PDF version of the Article. Brief online summary
L.-A. Leow*, T. Parrot, J. A. Grahn. Individual differences in beat perception affect gait responses to low- and high-groove music (2014) Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 8:811. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2014.00811 PDF version of the Article. Brief online summary
D.J. Cameron, J.A. Grahn. Neuroscientific investigations of musical rhythm (2014), Acoustics Australia, 42(2), 111 - 116 PDF version of the Article.
A. J., Hall, T.A. Brown, J.A. Grahn, J. S. Gati, P.L. Nixon, S.M. Hughes... & S.G. Lomber. There's more than one way to scan a cat: Imaging cat auditory cortex with high-field fMRI using continuous or sparse sampling. (2014) Journal of Neuroscience Methods. 224, 96-106. PDF version of the Article.
S.L. Watson, J.A. Grahn. Perspectives on rhythm processing in motor regions of the brain (2013), Music Therapy Perspectives 31(1): 25-30. PDF version of the Article.
R. Woelfle, J.A. Grahn. Auditory and visual interhemispheric communication in musicians and non-musicians. (2013) PloSONE, 8(12), e84446. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0084446 PDF version of the Article.
C. Nombela, L. E. Hughes, A. M. Owen, J.A. Grahn. Into the groove: Can rhythm influence Parkinson's disease? (2013) Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, 37(10), 2564-2570. PDF version of the Article.
M. Urner, M. Sarri, J. A. Grahn, T. Manly, G. Rees, K. Friston. The role of prestimulus activity in visual extinction. (2013) Neuropsychologia, 51(8), 1630-1637. PDF version of the Article.
C. Nombela, C.L. Rae, J.A. Grahn, R.A. Barker, A.M. Owen, J.B. Rowe. How often does music and rhythm improve patients' perception of motor symptoms in Parkinson's disease? (2013) Journal of Neurology, 260(5), 1404-1405. doi:10.1007/s00415-013-6860-z PDF version of the Article. Brief online summary
S. Schweizer, J.A. Grahn, A. Hampshire, D. Mobbs, T. Dalgleish. Training the emotional brain: Improving affective control through emotional working memory training. (2013) Journal of Neuroscience, 12(33) 5301-5311. doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.2593-12.2013 PDF version of the Article.
J.A. Grahn, D. Schuit. Individual differences in rhythmic abilities: behavioural and fMRI investigations. (2012) Psychomusicology: Music, Mind, & Brain 22:105-121. PDF version of the Article. Brief online summary
J.A. Grahn, T. Manly. Common neural recruitment across diverse sustained attention tasks. (2012) PLoSONE 7(11): e49556, doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0049556 PDF version of the Article.
J.A. Grahn. Neural mechanisms of rhythm perception: Current findings and future perspectives. (2012) Topics in Cognitive Science, 4, 585-606. PDF version of the Article. Brief online summary
J.A. Grahn. See what I hear? Beat perception in auditory and visual rhythms. (2012). Experimental Brain Research, 220, 51-61. PDF version of the Article.
J.A. Grahn, J.B. Rowe. Finding and feeling the musical beat: Striatal dissociations between detection and prediction of regularity. (2012) Cerebral Cortex, doi: 10.1093/cercor/bhs083 PDF version of the Article. Brief online summary
J.A. Grahn. Advances in neuroimaging techniques: implications for the shared syntactic integration resource hypothesis. (2012), In: Language and Music as Cognitive Systems (Rebuschat, P., Rohrmeier, M., Hawkins, J., & Cross, I., eds). Oxford: Oxford University Press. doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199553426.003.0024 PDF version of the Article.
J.A. Grahn, M. J. Henry, J.D. McAuley. FMRI investigations of cross-modal interactions in beat perception: Audition primes vision, but not vice versa (2011) NeuroImage 54(2):1231-43. PDF version of the Article. Brief online summary
J.A. Grahn. Review of psychology of music: From sound to significance (2011), Empirical Musicology Review, 6, 138-140. PDF version of the Article.
A.M. Owen, A. Hampshire, J.A. Grahn, R. Stenton, S. Dajani, A.S. Burns, R.J. Howard, C. G. Ballard. Putting brain training to the test. (2010) Nature, 465, 775–778. PDF version of the Article.
J.A. Grahn, J.B. Rowe. Feeling the beat: premotor and striatal interactions in musicians and non-musicians during beat perception. (2009), Journal of Neuroscience, 29(23), 7540-7548. PDF version of the Article. Supplementary Material. Brief online summary
J.A. Grahn, J.D. McAuley. Neural bases of individual differences in beat perception. (2009), NeuroImage, 47, 1894-1903. PDF version of the Article.
J.A. Grahn, M. Brett. Impairment of beat-based rhythm discrimination in Parkinson's disease. (2009), Cortex, 45(1), 54-61. PDF version of the Article. Brief online summary
R.P. Carlyon, J.M. Deeks, Y. Shtyrov, J.A. Grahn, H.E. Gockel, O. Hauk, and F. Pulvermuller, Changes in the perceived duration of a narrowband sound induced by a preceding stimulus. (2009), Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 35(6):1898-912. PDF version of the Article.
J.A. Grahn. The role of the basal ganglia in beat perception: neuroimaging and neuropsychological investigations. (2009), Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1169, 35-45. PDF version of the Article.
J.A. Grahn, J. Parkinson, A. M. Owen. The role of the basal ganglia in learning and memory: neuropsychological studies (2009), Behavioural Brain Research, 199(1), 53-60. PDF version of the Article.
J.A. Grahn, Neuroscientific investigations of musical rhythm: recent advances and future challenges (2009) Contemporary Music Review, 28(3), 251-277. PDF version of the Article.
J.A. Grahn, J. Parkinson, A. M. Owen. The cognitive functions of the caudate nucleus. (2008), Progress in Neurobiology, 86(3), 141-155. PDF version of the Article.
J.A. Grahn, M. Brett. Rhythm and beat perception in motor areas of the brain. (2007), Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 19(5), 893-906. PDF version of the Article. Brief online summary
J.A. Grahn, A. M. Owen, Memory: Obstacle avoidance without visual cues. (2006) Current Biology, 16(7), R247-R249. PDF version of the Article.
My PhD Thesis: Behavioural and functional imaging studies of rhythm processing