Research Opportunities

Research Participants
If you are interested in being a participant in our research, please email [email protected].
Postdoctoral Fellows
I currently have space in my lab for Postdocs. To discuss potential Post-doc opportunities, please get in touch.
You may want to look at the Banting Fellowships, Marie Curie fellowships (Europeans), CIHR Fellowships, NSERC Fellowships, or various other lists of fellowships. The BMI has its own fellowship competition twice per year.
Graduate Students
Potential graduate students (either Masters or Ph.D.), you may apply either to the Psychology program or the Neuroscience program. It is particularly beneficial if you advise me of your interest, preferably before, but at least during, the application process. Because the Psychology and Neuroscience programs have different application deadlines, I find it helpful to know about potential applications that may not have hit my desk yet.
Undergraduate Students
If you are interested in volunteering in my lab, please send me a CV, transcript, and a sample of your writing, as well as a short description of why you are interested in this area of research and what you hope to gain from the experience. If you know your short-term career goals, include those, too. Your CV should detail your experience with computers and software packages, particularly computer programming (even if it is basic, e.g., Excel macros), sound editing, or web design. It's useful to estimate the hours per week you may (on average) be able to commit to the lab.
You may want to check out the UWO Work Study program if you are eligible: UWO Work Study We have many work study students in our lab, generally hired as research assistants or computer programmers.
Honours Thesis Projects
I take several Honours Thesis Projects each year. Please send me the information above, and if you have any particular research project ideas or areas of interest, include those, too. Previous projects have examined the influence of music on memory, and various aspects of individual differences in rhythmic ability.
If you are interested in being a participant in our research, please email [email protected].
Postdoctoral Fellows
I currently have space in my lab for Postdocs. To discuss potential Post-doc opportunities, please get in touch.
You may want to look at the Banting Fellowships, Marie Curie fellowships (Europeans), CIHR Fellowships, NSERC Fellowships, or various other lists of fellowships. The BMI has its own fellowship competition twice per year.
Graduate Students
Potential graduate students (either Masters or Ph.D.), you may apply either to the Psychology program or the Neuroscience program. It is particularly beneficial if you advise me of your interest, preferably before, but at least during, the application process. Because the Psychology and Neuroscience programs have different application deadlines, I find it helpful to know about potential applications that may not have hit my desk yet.
Undergraduate Students
If you are interested in volunteering in my lab, please send me a CV, transcript, and a sample of your writing, as well as a short description of why you are interested in this area of research and what you hope to gain from the experience. If you know your short-term career goals, include those, too. Your CV should detail your experience with computers and software packages, particularly computer programming (even if it is basic, e.g., Excel macros), sound editing, or web design. It's useful to estimate the hours per week you may (on average) be able to commit to the lab.
You may want to check out the UWO Work Study program if you are eligible: UWO Work Study We have many work study students in our lab, generally hired as research assistants or computer programmers.
Honours Thesis Projects
I take several Honours Thesis Projects each year. Please send me the information above, and if you have any particular research project ideas or areas of interest, include those, too. Previous projects have examined the influence of music on memory, and various aspects of individual differences in rhythmic ability.