Dr Jessica Grahn
Click here for full CV
Address: Brain and Mind at Western, Department of Psychology, Western University, London, ON, Canada
Email: [email protected]
Nationality: USA, UK
2023-pres Professor, Brain and Mind Institute, Department of Psychology, Western University, Canada
2015–23 Associate Professor, Brain and Mind Institute, Department of Psychology, Western University, Canada
2011–15 Assistant Professor, Brain and Mind Institute, Department of Psychology, Western University, Canada
2007–10 Research Scientist Medical Research Council, Cognition & Brain Sciences Unit, UK
2005–10 Associate Lecturer in Biological Psychology, Open University, UK
2004–07 Stipendiary Research Fellow Clare Hall, Cambridge/Medical Research Council, UK
2015–18 SYNC. Advisor to Boston-based start-up, SYNC, on development of a smartphone app for music and health, including a large-scale study on music and gait, using the SYNC app.
2005–10 Neurosense, Ltd. Analysis and report of brain imaging data, graphics production for corporations and advertising agencies. Resulting reports and images used by the Science Museum (London), Viacom, MTV, GMTV, Metro newspaper, Johnson & Johnson, among others.
2004–05 Celestia, Ltd. Website programming for database of clinical trial research
2001–05 PhD, Wolfson College, University of Cambridge
Behavioural and Functional Imaging Studies of Rhythm Processing
(Supervised by Matthew Brett, Robert Carlyon)
MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit, Cambridge, UK
1999–00 PhD coursework at the Beckman Institute, University of Illinois in Urbana-Champaign
1995–99 BA (Neuroscience), Northwestern University, Chicago, USA
BMus (Piano Performance), Northwestern University, Chicago, USA
2007–10 Research Fellow Clare Hall, University of Cambridge
2004–07 Betty Behrens Stipendiary Research Fellowship
Clare Hall, University of Cambridge (3 yrs salary and research/equipment/travel funding)
2001–04 Gates Cambridge Scholarship (Full PhD support)
1999–00 Predoctoral Fellowship, U of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign (Full support)
1997–99 Laura Winkelman Merit Scholarship (Part tuition support)
1995–96 National Merit Scholarship (Part tuition support)
2024 Outstanding Scholar, Western Research Excellence Award, Western University
2021 NSERC National Prize: Steacie Memorial Fellowship $250,000 + protected research time for 2 years
2020 Royal Society of Canada, Member of the College of New Scholars, Artists and Scientists
2017 Fellow, Association for Psychological Science
2016-18 Faculty Scholar Award, University of Western Ontario. $14,000
2015-21 Understanding Human Cognition Scholar Award, James S. McDonnell Foundation. $600,000 USD
2015-20 New Investigator Award, Canadian Institute of Health Research $300,000
2012-17 Early Researcher Award, Ontario Ministry of Research and Innovation, $140,000
2010 Charles Darwin Award from British Science Association.
Outstanding public communicator award in agricultural, biological and medical sciences.
2007 Organization for Human Brain Mapping Travel Award $750
2004/5/7 Brain Travel Grants: £700, £600, £550
2004 Summer Institute in Cognitive Neuroscience Fellowship
2004 Wolfson Travel Fund £150, Lane Cox Fund £100
2001-04 Overseas Research Student Award (PhD fee tuition supplement)
1999 Honorable mention: NSF predoctoral fellowship competition
1996 Silver medal, American Forensics League tournament, Impromptu speaking
2024 NSERC Discovery Grant [PI], Mechanisms of Rhythm and Timing $235,000
2021 BrainsCAN Registered Reports Funding Program $66,721
2020 NSERC-RTI [Co-Applicant], EEG equipment for studies of sleep and cognition, $149,920
2019-20 BrainsCAN Accelerator Grant [Co-PI with Henry, Butler, Joanisse, Everling] Validating methods for using noninvasive brain stimulation to influence auditory perception $91,980
2018-21 McGill-Western Collaboration Grant [Co-PI with Zatorre], OMMABA: The Open Multimodal Music and Auditory Brain Archive, $375,171
2017-18 CPSR Catalyst Grant [Co-Investigator, Principal Applicant Patterson], Feasibility of rhythm perception and production training in people with stroke, $49,987
2017-23 NSERC-CREATE Grant [Co-PI], Complex Dynamics in Brain and Behaviour, $1,650,000
2016-21 NSERC Discovery Grant & Accelerator Supplement [PI], Mechanisms of Rhythm Perception, $375,000
2016-18 SSHRC Insight Development Grant [Co-Applicant], Optimizing Music Learning: The Effects of Contextual Interference $74,296
2015 LIVELab seed grant [Co-Investigator with Co-Primary Investigators Cameron and Henry] The role of social context in intersubject synchronization between audience members during musical performance $11,400
2015-18 CIHR-Collaborative Health Research Project Grant [Co-Principal Applicant with Patterson, Chen, Depaul] The relationship of temporal gait asymmetry and rhythm perception and production $450,200
2014-16 Operating Grant Priority Announcement, Canadian Institutes of Health Research and Parkinson Society Canada, $100,000
2014-15 Parkinson Society Canada Pilot Grant, $44,987
2014-15 NSERC Research Tools and Instruments Grant [Co-Investigator with Owen, Fogel, Cusack, Morton, & McRae], Simultaneous and synchronized electroencephalography (EEG) and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) during sleep in normal and brain injured populations $145,503
2013-14 Western Strategic Support for CIHR Success, $22,500
2012-14 GRAMMY Foundation Research Grant [PI], Brain Responses to Music in Human and Nonhuman Animals, $19,500 USD
2012-13 J.P. Bickell Foundation, $65,000
2012-17 Leaders opportunity fund, Canadian Fund for Innovation, $112,000
2012-17 Ontario Research Fund $112,000
2012-14 GRAMMY Foundation Research Grant, $19,500
2011-16 NSERC Discovery Grant, $120,000
2011-15 R.K. MacDonald Fund for Parkinson's Research, $40,000
2007-09 GRAMMY Foundation Research Grant, $20,300, Neural Correlates of Individual Differences in Rhythm Perception, Co-Investigators: D. McAuley, J. Grahn
2021- Director, Undergraduate Program in Neuroscience, UWO
2021- Coordinator, Neuroscience Honours Thesis Course (full year, 1.0), UWO
2021- Coordinator, Neuroscience Independent Study Course (full year, 1.0), UWO
2017-18 Research Seminar in Cognitive, Developmental and Brain Sciences, UWO
2011-22 Cognitive Neuroscience of Music, UWO
2015 Scientific Writing, UWO
2012-13 Neuroimaging Methods, Interdisciplinary College, Günne, Germany
2011- Faculty Member, Graduate Program in Neuroscience, UWO
2005-10 Associate Lecturer in Biological Psychology, Open University, UK
2008-10 External Examiner, Guest Lecturer, Natural Sciences Tripos, part II Neuroscience, University of Cambridge
2007-10 Faculty mentor, Open University, UK (mentor for new lecturers)
2007-09 Guest Lecturer, The Cambridge College Programme (high school exchange programme in Cambridge)
2008 Supervisor, Music Tripos, part II, University of Cambridge,
2005-10 External Examiner, Music Tripos, part II, University of Cambridge
2002-04 Supervisor, Experimental Psychology, part II, University of Cambridge
1999-00 Graduate Record Examination (GRE) Educator, Princeton Review, Chicago
1995-99 Tutor, Northwestern University, Calculus, Biology, and Psychology
1992-99 Private music teacher, Piano, Cello, Music Theory
2023 Moving to the groove: musical rhythm and the brain’s motor system
Neurohumanities Lab Music Faculty Colloquium: UBC, Vancouver
2023 Moving and Grooving: The role of motor areas in rhythm and beat perception
Music Faculty Colloquium: UBC, Vancouver
2023 Feeling the Beat: The role of motor areas in auditory sequence processing
Krembil Neuroimaging Rounds, University Health Network, Toronto
2022 Rhythm, Movement, and the Brain
Neuroscience Seminar Series, Queens University, Canada
2022 The role of motor areas in auditory sequence processing
International Conference on the Auditory Cortex, Magdeburg, Germany
2022 Music, Movement, and the Brain
Future Directions in Neuroscience, Max Planck Symposium, Berlin
2022 Music and Rhythmicity
LASER Talks, Cambridge, UK
2022 Music and Movement: Behavioural and brain responses to rhythm
Smart Mobility for the Aging Population, McMaster University
2022 Music, Movement, and the Brain
Kings University College, London, ON
2021 Music, Movement, and the Brain
Women in Science Research Conference, Virtual
2021 Music, Movement, and the Brain
Western Leader’s Forum, Western University
2021 The role of motor brain areas in auditory sequence perception
Auditory Cortex Virtual Symposium
2021 Dissociating the roles of different motor areas in auditory sequence processing
Symposium for Cognitive Auditory Neuroscience, Virtual
2021 How music moves us: The neuroscience of rhythm
Carleton University Cognitive Science Graduate Conference, Virtual
2021 Moving to the beat: Neural mechanisms of rhythm perception
Kings College London (UK) Neuroimaging Seminar, Virtual
2020 Keynotes at Future Directions in Neuroscience (postponed due to coronavirus)
Berlin; Auditory Cortex conference, Magdeburg; and at RITMO centre, Oslo
2020 Rhythm and movement: Neural mechanisms of rhythm perception
Brock Psychology Colloquium, St. Catherines, ON
2019 Music, movement, and the brain
Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics, Frankfurt, Germany
2019 Music and movement: Musical factors that affect gait
American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine, Chicago, USA
2019 Moving and grooving to the beat: Rhythm and the brain
Undergraduate Awards Summit, Dublin, Ireland
2019 Rhythm, timing and movement: How the brain reacts to musical rhythm
Keynote, Annual Meeting, Leopoldina Society, Halle, Germany
2019 Music and the brain
SOLUNA Festival, Dallas, Texas
2019 Rhythm, moving and the brain: Grooving to the beat
AIMS Meeting, Lisbon, Portugal
2019 Moving and grooving: Rhythm and the brain
Neugeneration conference, Queens University
2018 Music and Parkinson's: Movement and Mood
Parkinson Society Southwestern Ontario (Sarnia and London Events)
2018 Music and the brain
Western Talks Science, Western University
2018 The role of beat perception in auditory sequence processing
Organization for Computational Neuroscience, Allen Institute, United States
2018 Oscillatory entrainment increases with social context
Symposium of Nonlinear Dynamics, McGill University
2018 The role of beat perception in auditory sequence processing
Organization for Computational Neuroscience, Allen Institute, United States
2018 Why do we move to music: Rhythm and the Brain
Weekly Seminars: Department of Biology, Western University
2018 What Makes Musical Rhythm Special: Cross-Species, Developmental, and Social Perspectives
CNS Symposium
2017 Music and the Brain
Learning Unlimited (Oxford) in Woodstock, ON
2017 Rhythm and the Brain: The role of the motor system in auditory sequence perception
Neuroscience and Cognitive Science Colloquium, University of Maryland
2017 Moving and Grooving: Rhythm, Movement, and the Brain
SMPC 2017 San Diego
2017 Movement-Time and Rehabilitation
Music, Language, and Cognition, Lake Como Summer School, Italy
2017 Music, Movement, and the Brain
University of Montreal, Canada
2017 Feeling the beat: Rhythm, Movement, and the brain
Jyväskyla Centre for the Interdisciplinary Brain Research, University Jyväskyla, Finland
2017 Music and Movement
Neural Dynamics and Brain Health Conference and Workshop, Baycrest Rotman Research Institute, Toronto
2017 Feeling the beat: Rhythm, Movement, and the Brain
James C. Carlsen Invited Lecture, School of Music, University of Washington
2017 Music and the Groove: the Connection Between Movement, Music, and the Brain
Institute for the Learning and Brain Sciences, University of Washington
2016 Music and Movement
Brain Health Fair, London, ON
2016 Why does music make us move? Rhythm and the brain
BrainCanDo: Music and the Brain, BAFTA, London, UK
2016 Rhythm and the brain: the role of neural motor areas in rhythm and timing
Centre for Music in the Brain, Aarhus University, Denmark
2016 Music and the Groove: the Connection Between Movement, Music, and the Brain
Keynote, Graduate Student Symposium, University of Guelph, Canada
2016 Rhythmic Auditory Stimulation in Gait Training for Parkinson's Disease
Music and Health Colloquium Series, University of Toronto, Canada
2015 Musical beat perception and computational questions
Multi-disciplinary workshop: Joint Action and Perception in Emergent Phenomenon, Cuernavaca, México
2015 Music and movement in Parkinson's disease
Parkinson Society Southwestern Ontario Conference
2015 Rhythmic processing, the brain, and Parkinson's disease
Keynote, Musical Learning Across The Lifespan (Symposium on Music, Learning and the Brain)
2015 Rhythm perception and the motor system
Keynote, Rhythm Perception and Production Workshop, Amsterdam
2015 Rhythm perception and the motor system
Keynote, LOVE Conference (Lake Ontario Visionary Establishment Conference), Niagara Falls
2015 Assessing the role of motor areas in rhythm perception using brain stimulation
Current Topics in Hearing Science and Audiology series, Western University
2014 Music and the brain!
Innovating Medicine Conference, Lisbon, Portugal
2014 How Music affects Brain and Behaviour
Keynote, Alzheimer Society of Simcoe County Symposium, Barrie, ON
2014 Beat Perception Ability and Gait Improvements in Parkinson’s Disease
Neurosciences of Music V: Cognitive Stimulation and Rehabilitation
2014 Feeling the beat: Auditory and motor system involvement in rhythm perception
Cognitive Science Colloquium, Northwestern University, Chicago, Illinois
2013 Walking to the beat: implications for Parkinson's disease
Annual Workshop, NSERC-CREATE Network in Auditory Cognitive Neuroscience, Hearing and Health, McMaster University
2013 The perception of musical rhythm: Auditory and motor system involvement
Keynote, Banff Annual Seminar in Cognitive Science, British Columbia
2013 Auditory and motor system involvement in rhythm perception
Keynote, Canadian Spring Conference on Behaviour and Brain, Fernie, British Columbia
2013 Why rhythm makes us move: neural investigations of rhythm perception
University of Guelph, Department of Psychology
2012 Neural investigations of rhythm perception
Rhythm Perception and Production Workshop at Centre for Research on Brain, Language, and Music, Montreal
2012 Rhythm in the brain: how music can affect movement
Parkinson's Society Regional Conference, Kitchener, Ontario
2012 Rhythm and beat perception in the auditory and visual modalities
Centre for Vision Research, York University
2012 Motor area engagement during perception of rhythm
Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology, Western University
2012 Moving to the beat: rhythm and the brain
Faculty of Music, Western University
2012 Feeling the beat: brain responses to musical rhythm
Ontario Association of Medical Radiation Technologists Meeting
2012 Motor system engagement in rhythm and beat perception
Music Cognition Symposium, Eastman School of Music/University of Rochester/Cornell
2012 Links between rhythm perception and the motor system
Department of Psychology, Michigan State University
2012 Feeling the beat: brain responses to musical rhythm
Ontario Association of Medical Radiation Technologists
2012 Rhythm perception and the motor system
Department of Psychology, Neuroscience and Behaviour, McMaster University
2012 Feeling the beat: Rhythm perception and the motor system
Children's Health Research Institute, London, Ontario
2011 Can you see it? Beat perception in auditory and visual modalities
McMaster Institute for Music and Mind, McMaster University
2011 Investigating how movement areas in the brain support musical rhythm perception
Annual meeting of the Southern Ontario Neuroscience Association, University of Guelph
2011 The role of motor areas in musical rhythm and beat perception
Ebbinghaus Empire series, Department of Psychology, University of Toronto
2010 Research in Neuroscience, music, and the brain: Highlights
Leaders' Forum, University of Western Ontario
2010 fMRI investigations of finding the beat versus continuing the beat
British Psychological Society Seminar Series
2010 Music and movement: the role of the basal ganglia in music and rhythm perception
School of Psychology, University of Birmingham
2010 Music in the brain: fMRI and patient investigations of musical rhythm and motor areas
Instituto de Neurologia Cognitiva (INECO), Buenos Aires
2010 Investigating of the neural foundations of rhythm processing with fMRI
Developmental and Cognitive Neuroscience Unit, UCL, London
2010 Feeling the beat: musical rhythm processing in the brain
School of Psychology, University of East London
2010 Neural investigations of musical rhythm and beat perception
Goldsmiths College, University of London
2010 Disorders of Musical Cognition
Neuropsychiatry, Addenbrooke's Hospital, Cambridge
2010 Moving to the beat: the role of the striatum in musical rhythm perception
Department of Experimental Psychology, University of Cambridge
2010 Feeling the beat: Musical rhythm processing
Faculty of Music, University of Cambridge
2009 Prior auditory exposure effects on visual beat perception: a cross-modal investigation using fMRI
Workshop on Synchronization in Music and Speech, Free University of Brussels, Belgium
2009 Music, rhythm, and movement: Why we fill the science
Peterhouse College, Cambridge, UK
2009 Moving to the groove: Motor responses in the brain during rhythm perception
Université catholique de Louvain, Belgium
2009 Does phonological short-term memory capacity correlate with rhythmic ability? A comparison of individual differences in nonverbal and rhythm spans
UCL Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience, Timing in Speech and Music Workshop
2009 Feeling the beat: how the brain processes musical rhythm
University of Western Ontario
2009 Rhythm processing in the brain: a focus on motor areas
Universitat Pompeu Fabre, Barcelona
2008 Rhythm and beat perception in the brain
Centre for Neuroscience in Education, University of Cambridge
2008 Rhythm perception in musicians and non-musicians: auditory-motor network modulations
MRC-CBU Lunchtime Seminar Series
2007 Connectivity analyses in neuroimaging investigations: Symposium discussant
Conference on Language and Music as Cognitive Systems, University of Cambridge
2007 The role of motor areas in rhythm and beat perception
Max Planck Institute, Leipzig and also at Bowling Green State University
2006 The role of motor areas in beat-based rhythm processing
Conference on Rhythm, Time and Temporal Organisation The Institute for Music in Human and Social Development (IMHSD)
2006 Neuroimaging and neuropsychology of beat-based and non-beat-based rhythm processing
Rhythms in the Brain Workshop, University of Wales, Bangor
2006 Rhythm processing in the brain
Cognitive Neuroscience Colloquium, University of Wales, Bangor
2005 Beat-based rhythm processing in the brain: Behavioural, neuroimaging, and neuropsychological investigations
Ohio State University, Columbus, OH
2005 Rhythm processing in the brains of musicians and non-musicians
Crosstalk series, University of Cambridge, UK
2004 Rhythm and the brain: Evidence for beat-based timing
School of Informatics, City University, UK
2004 Beat-based rhythm processing and the basal ganglia
Open University, Milton Keynes, UK
2004 The basal ganglia and processing beat-based rhythm in musicians and non-musicians
University of California, Berkeley, and Center for the Study of Language and Information, Stanford University, CA
2004 Rhythm processing in the brains of musicians and non-musicians
Wolfson College, University of Cambridge, UK
2002 Timing networks and rhythm perception
Cambridge University Science and Music Group, UK
2001 Beat-based timing: A matter of complexity?
Cambridge University Signal Processing Colloquium
Click here for publications
Signficant administrative roles:
President: Society for Music Perception and Cognition
Director: Human Cognitive and Sensorimotor Core, BrainsCAN
Director: Western Centre for Brain and Mind
Secretary: Society for Music Perception and Cognition
Journals: Current Biology; Journal of Neuroscience; Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience; Cerebral Cortex; NeuroImage; Cortex; European Journal of Neuroscience; Human Brain Mapping; PLoSONE; Brain and Cognition; Frontiers in Auditory Cognitive Neuroscience; Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience; Neuroscience Letters; Cognitive Brain Research; Experimental Brain Research; Behavioural Brain Research; Social Neuroscience; Cognitive, Affective, and Behavioral Neuroscience; Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance; Journal of Experimental Psychology: General; Attention, Perception, & Performance; Perception; Acta Psychologica, Topics in Cognitive Science; Imaging in Medicine; Empirical Musicology Review; Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, Neuropsychological Rehabilitation, BRAIN; Behavior Research Methods
Funding Agencies:
Panels: Canadian Institutes for Health Research (CIHR): NSA, Project Grant competition (2018)
National Institute for Neurological Disorder and Stroke (NIH/NINDS), Study Section: Music and Health (2019-2022)
National Science Foundation (NSF): Understanding Neural and Cognitive Systems (2016)
Reviewer:Canadian Institutes for Health Research (CIHR); Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC); Canada Research Chairs program; Canadian Foundation for Innovation (CFI); MITACS, Medical Research Council, UK; Austrian Science Fund; French National Research Agency; Parkinson’s UK; Danish Council for Independent Research; Einstein Foundation, Germany; Stroke Association, UK; Research Foundation – Flanders
Email: [email protected]
Nationality: USA, UK
2023-pres Professor, Brain and Mind Institute, Department of Psychology, Western University, Canada
2015–23 Associate Professor, Brain and Mind Institute, Department of Psychology, Western University, Canada
2011–15 Assistant Professor, Brain and Mind Institute, Department of Psychology, Western University, Canada
2007–10 Research Scientist Medical Research Council, Cognition & Brain Sciences Unit, UK
2005–10 Associate Lecturer in Biological Psychology, Open University, UK
2004–07 Stipendiary Research Fellow Clare Hall, Cambridge/Medical Research Council, UK
2015–18 SYNC. Advisor to Boston-based start-up, SYNC, on development of a smartphone app for music and health, including a large-scale study on music and gait, using the SYNC app.
2005–10 Neurosense, Ltd. Analysis and report of brain imaging data, graphics production for corporations and advertising agencies. Resulting reports and images used by the Science Museum (London), Viacom, MTV, GMTV, Metro newspaper, Johnson & Johnson, among others.
2004–05 Celestia, Ltd. Website programming for database of clinical trial research
2001–05 PhD, Wolfson College, University of Cambridge
Behavioural and Functional Imaging Studies of Rhythm Processing
(Supervised by Matthew Brett, Robert Carlyon)
MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit, Cambridge, UK
1999–00 PhD coursework at the Beckman Institute, University of Illinois in Urbana-Champaign
1995–99 BA (Neuroscience), Northwestern University, Chicago, USA
BMus (Piano Performance), Northwestern University, Chicago, USA
2007–10 Research Fellow Clare Hall, University of Cambridge
2004–07 Betty Behrens Stipendiary Research Fellowship
Clare Hall, University of Cambridge (3 yrs salary and research/equipment/travel funding)
2001–04 Gates Cambridge Scholarship (Full PhD support)
1999–00 Predoctoral Fellowship, U of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign (Full support)
1997–99 Laura Winkelman Merit Scholarship (Part tuition support)
1995–96 National Merit Scholarship (Part tuition support)
2024 Outstanding Scholar, Western Research Excellence Award, Western University
2021 NSERC National Prize: Steacie Memorial Fellowship $250,000 + protected research time for 2 years
2020 Royal Society of Canada, Member of the College of New Scholars, Artists and Scientists
2017 Fellow, Association for Psychological Science
2016-18 Faculty Scholar Award, University of Western Ontario. $14,000
2015-21 Understanding Human Cognition Scholar Award, James S. McDonnell Foundation. $600,000 USD
2015-20 New Investigator Award, Canadian Institute of Health Research $300,000
2012-17 Early Researcher Award, Ontario Ministry of Research and Innovation, $140,000
2010 Charles Darwin Award from British Science Association.
Outstanding public communicator award in agricultural, biological and medical sciences.
2007 Organization for Human Brain Mapping Travel Award $750
2004/5/7 Brain Travel Grants: £700, £600, £550
2004 Summer Institute in Cognitive Neuroscience Fellowship
2004 Wolfson Travel Fund £150, Lane Cox Fund £100
2001-04 Overseas Research Student Award (PhD fee tuition supplement)
1999 Honorable mention: NSF predoctoral fellowship competition
1996 Silver medal, American Forensics League tournament, Impromptu speaking
2024 NSERC Discovery Grant [PI], Mechanisms of Rhythm and Timing $235,000
2021 BrainsCAN Registered Reports Funding Program $66,721
2020 NSERC-RTI [Co-Applicant], EEG equipment for studies of sleep and cognition, $149,920
2019-20 BrainsCAN Accelerator Grant [Co-PI with Henry, Butler, Joanisse, Everling] Validating methods for using noninvasive brain stimulation to influence auditory perception $91,980
2018-21 McGill-Western Collaboration Grant [Co-PI with Zatorre], OMMABA: The Open Multimodal Music and Auditory Brain Archive, $375,171
2017-18 CPSR Catalyst Grant [Co-Investigator, Principal Applicant Patterson], Feasibility of rhythm perception and production training in people with stroke, $49,987
2017-23 NSERC-CREATE Grant [Co-PI], Complex Dynamics in Brain and Behaviour, $1,650,000
2016-21 NSERC Discovery Grant & Accelerator Supplement [PI], Mechanisms of Rhythm Perception, $375,000
2016-18 SSHRC Insight Development Grant [Co-Applicant], Optimizing Music Learning: The Effects of Contextual Interference $74,296
2015 LIVELab seed grant [Co-Investigator with Co-Primary Investigators Cameron and Henry] The role of social context in intersubject synchronization between audience members during musical performance $11,400
2015-18 CIHR-Collaborative Health Research Project Grant [Co-Principal Applicant with Patterson, Chen, Depaul] The relationship of temporal gait asymmetry and rhythm perception and production $450,200
2014-16 Operating Grant Priority Announcement, Canadian Institutes of Health Research and Parkinson Society Canada, $100,000
2014-15 Parkinson Society Canada Pilot Grant, $44,987
2014-15 NSERC Research Tools and Instruments Grant [Co-Investigator with Owen, Fogel, Cusack, Morton, & McRae], Simultaneous and synchronized electroencephalography (EEG) and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) during sleep in normal and brain injured populations $145,503
2013-14 Western Strategic Support for CIHR Success, $22,500
2012-14 GRAMMY Foundation Research Grant [PI], Brain Responses to Music in Human and Nonhuman Animals, $19,500 USD
2012-13 J.P. Bickell Foundation, $65,000
2012-17 Leaders opportunity fund, Canadian Fund for Innovation, $112,000
2012-17 Ontario Research Fund $112,000
2012-14 GRAMMY Foundation Research Grant, $19,500
2011-16 NSERC Discovery Grant, $120,000
2011-15 R.K. MacDonald Fund for Parkinson's Research, $40,000
2007-09 GRAMMY Foundation Research Grant, $20,300, Neural Correlates of Individual Differences in Rhythm Perception, Co-Investigators: D. McAuley, J. Grahn
2021- Director, Undergraduate Program in Neuroscience, UWO
2021- Coordinator, Neuroscience Honours Thesis Course (full year, 1.0), UWO
2021- Coordinator, Neuroscience Independent Study Course (full year, 1.0), UWO
2017-18 Research Seminar in Cognitive, Developmental and Brain Sciences, UWO
2011-22 Cognitive Neuroscience of Music, UWO
2015 Scientific Writing, UWO
2012-13 Neuroimaging Methods, Interdisciplinary College, Günne, Germany
2011- Faculty Member, Graduate Program in Neuroscience, UWO
2005-10 Associate Lecturer in Biological Psychology, Open University, UK
2008-10 External Examiner, Guest Lecturer, Natural Sciences Tripos, part II Neuroscience, University of Cambridge
2007-10 Faculty mentor, Open University, UK (mentor for new lecturers)
2007-09 Guest Lecturer, The Cambridge College Programme (high school exchange programme in Cambridge)
2008 Supervisor, Music Tripos, part II, University of Cambridge,
2005-10 External Examiner, Music Tripos, part II, University of Cambridge
2002-04 Supervisor, Experimental Psychology, part II, University of Cambridge
1999-00 Graduate Record Examination (GRE) Educator, Princeton Review, Chicago
1995-99 Tutor, Northwestern University, Calculus, Biology, and Psychology
1992-99 Private music teacher, Piano, Cello, Music Theory
2023 Moving to the groove: musical rhythm and the brain’s motor system
Neurohumanities Lab Music Faculty Colloquium: UBC, Vancouver
2023 Moving and Grooving: The role of motor areas in rhythm and beat perception
Music Faculty Colloquium: UBC, Vancouver
2023 Feeling the Beat: The role of motor areas in auditory sequence processing
Krembil Neuroimaging Rounds, University Health Network, Toronto
2022 Rhythm, Movement, and the Brain
Neuroscience Seminar Series, Queens University, Canada
2022 The role of motor areas in auditory sequence processing
International Conference on the Auditory Cortex, Magdeburg, Germany
2022 Music, Movement, and the Brain
Future Directions in Neuroscience, Max Planck Symposium, Berlin
2022 Music and Rhythmicity
LASER Talks, Cambridge, UK
2022 Music and Movement: Behavioural and brain responses to rhythm
Smart Mobility for the Aging Population, McMaster University
2022 Music, Movement, and the Brain
Kings University College, London, ON
2021 Music, Movement, and the Brain
Women in Science Research Conference, Virtual
2021 Music, Movement, and the Brain
Western Leader’s Forum, Western University
2021 The role of motor brain areas in auditory sequence perception
Auditory Cortex Virtual Symposium
2021 Dissociating the roles of different motor areas in auditory sequence processing
Symposium for Cognitive Auditory Neuroscience, Virtual
2021 How music moves us: The neuroscience of rhythm
Carleton University Cognitive Science Graduate Conference, Virtual
2021 Moving to the beat: Neural mechanisms of rhythm perception
Kings College London (UK) Neuroimaging Seminar, Virtual
2020 Keynotes at Future Directions in Neuroscience (postponed due to coronavirus)
Berlin; Auditory Cortex conference, Magdeburg; and at RITMO centre, Oslo
2020 Rhythm and movement: Neural mechanisms of rhythm perception
Brock Psychology Colloquium, St. Catherines, ON
2019 Music, movement, and the brain
Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics, Frankfurt, Germany
2019 Music and movement: Musical factors that affect gait
American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine, Chicago, USA
2019 Moving and grooving to the beat: Rhythm and the brain
Undergraduate Awards Summit, Dublin, Ireland
2019 Rhythm, timing and movement: How the brain reacts to musical rhythm
Keynote, Annual Meeting, Leopoldina Society, Halle, Germany
2019 Music and the brain
SOLUNA Festival, Dallas, Texas
2019 Rhythm, moving and the brain: Grooving to the beat
AIMS Meeting, Lisbon, Portugal
2019 Moving and grooving: Rhythm and the brain
Neugeneration conference, Queens University
2018 Music and Parkinson's: Movement and Mood
Parkinson Society Southwestern Ontario (Sarnia and London Events)
2018 Music and the brain
Western Talks Science, Western University
2018 The role of beat perception in auditory sequence processing
Organization for Computational Neuroscience, Allen Institute, United States
2018 Oscillatory entrainment increases with social context
Symposium of Nonlinear Dynamics, McGill University
2018 The role of beat perception in auditory sequence processing
Organization for Computational Neuroscience, Allen Institute, United States
2018 Why do we move to music: Rhythm and the Brain
Weekly Seminars: Department of Biology, Western University
2018 What Makes Musical Rhythm Special: Cross-Species, Developmental, and Social Perspectives
CNS Symposium
2017 Music and the Brain
Learning Unlimited (Oxford) in Woodstock, ON
2017 Rhythm and the Brain: The role of the motor system in auditory sequence perception
Neuroscience and Cognitive Science Colloquium, University of Maryland
2017 Moving and Grooving: Rhythm, Movement, and the Brain
SMPC 2017 San Diego
2017 Movement-Time and Rehabilitation
Music, Language, and Cognition, Lake Como Summer School, Italy
2017 Music, Movement, and the Brain
University of Montreal, Canada
2017 Feeling the beat: Rhythm, Movement, and the brain
Jyväskyla Centre for the Interdisciplinary Brain Research, University Jyväskyla, Finland
2017 Music and Movement
Neural Dynamics and Brain Health Conference and Workshop, Baycrest Rotman Research Institute, Toronto
2017 Feeling the beat: Rhythm, Movement, and the Brain
James C. Carlsen Invited Lecture, School of Music, University of Washington
2017 Music and the Groove: the Connection Between Movement, Music, and the Brain
Institute for the Learning and Brain Sciences, University of Washington
2016 Music and Movement
Brain Health Fair, London, ON
2016 Why does music make us move? Rhythm and the brain
BrainCanDo: Music and the Brain, BAFTA, London, UK
2016 Rhythm and the brain: the role of neural motor areas in rhythm and timing
Centre for Music in the Brain, Aarhus University, Denmark
2016 Music and the Groove: the Connection Between Movement, Music, and the Brain
Keynote, Graduate Student Symposium, University of Guelph, Canada
2016 Rhythmic Auditory Stimulation in Gait Training for Parkinson's Disease
Music and Health Colloquium Series, University of Toronto, Canada
2015 Musical beat perception and computational questions
Multi-disciplinary workshop: Joint Action and Perception in Emergent Phenomenon, Cuernavaca, México
2015 Music and movement in Parkinson's disease
Parkinson Society Southwestern Ontario Conference
2015 Rhythmic processing, the brain, and Parkinson's disease
Keynote, Musical Learning Across The Lifespan (Symposium on Music, Learning and the Brain)
2015 Rhythm perception and the motor system
Keynote, Rhythm Perception and Production Workshop, Amsterdam
2015 Rhythm perception and the motor system
Keynote, LOVE Conference (Lake Ontario Visionary Establishment Conference), Niagara Falls
2015 Assessing the role of motor areas in rhythm perception using brain stimulation
Current Topics in Hearing Science and Audiology series, Western University
2014 Music and the brain!
Innovating Medicine Conference, Lisbon, Portugal
2014 How Music affects Brain and Behaviour
Keynote, Alzheimer Society of Simcoe County Symposium, Barrie, ON
2014 Beat Perception Ability and Gait Improvements in Parkinson’s Disease
Neurosciences of Music V: Cognitive Stimulation and Rehabilitation
2014 Feeling the beat: Auditory and motor system involvement in rhythm perception
Cognitive Science Colloquium, Northwestern University, Chicago, Illinois
2013 Walking to the beat: implications for Parkinson's disease
Annual Workshop, NSERC-CREATE Network in Auditory Cognitive Neuroscience, Hearing and Health, McMaster University
2013 The perception of musical rhythm: Auditory and motor system involvement
Keynote, Banff Annual Seminar in Cognitive Science, British Columbia
2013 Auditory and motor system involvement in rhythm perception
Keynote, Canadian Spring Conference on Behaviour and Brain, Fernie, British Columbia
2013 Why rhythm makes us move: neural investigations of rhythm perception
University of Guelph, Department of Psychology
2012 Neural investigations of rhythm perception
Rhythm Perception and Production Workshop at Centre for Research on Brain, Language, and Music, Montreal
2012 Rhythm in the brain: how music can affect movement
Parkinson's Society Regional Conference, Kitchener, Ontario
2012 Rhythm and beat perception in the auditory and visual modalities
Centre for Vision Research, York University
2012 Motor area engagement during perception of rhythm
Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology, Western University
2012 Moving to the beat: rhythm and the brain
Faculty of Music, Western University
2012 Feeling the beat: brain responses to musical rhythm
Ontario Association of Medical Radiation Technologists Meeting
2012 Motor system engagement in rhythm and beat perception
Music Cognition Symposium, Eastman School of Music/University of Rochester/Cornell
2012 Links between rhythm perception and the motor system
Department of Psychology, Michigan State University
2012 Feeling the beat: brain responses to musical rhythm
Ontario Association of Medical Radiation Technologists
2012 Rhythm perception and the motor system
Department of Psychology, Neuroscience and Behaviour, McMaster University
2012 Feeling the beat: Rhythm perception and the motor system
Children's Health Research Institute, London, Ontario
2011 Can you see it? Beat perception in auditory and visual modalities
McMaster Institute for Music and Mind, McMaster University
2011 Investigating how movement areas in the brain support musical rhythm perception
Annual meeting of the Southern Ontario Neuroscience Association, University of Guelph
2011 The role of motor areas in musical rhythm and beat perception
Ebbinghaus Empire series, Department of Psychology, University of Toronto
2010 Research in Neuroscience, music, and the brain: Highlights
Leaders' Forum, University of Western Ontario
2010 fMRI investigations of finding the beat versus continuing the beat
British Psychological Society Seminar Series
2010 Music and movement: the role of the basal ganglia in music and rhythm perception
School of Psychology, University of Birmingham
2010 Music in the brain: fMRI and patient investigations of musical rhythm and motor areas
Instituto de Neurologia Cognitiva (INECO), Buenos Aires
2010 Investigating of the neural foundations of rhythm processing with fMRI
Developmental and Cognitive Neuroscience Unit, UCL, London
2010 Feeling the beat: musical rhythm processing in the brain
School of Psychology, University of East London
2010 Neural investigations of musical rhythm and beat perception
Goldsmiths College, University of London
2010 Disorders of Musical Cognition
Neuropsychiatry, Addenbrooke's Hospital, Cambridge
2010 Moving to the beat: the role of the striatum in musical rhythm perception
Department of Experimental Psychology, University of Cambridge
2010 Feeling the beat: Musical rhythm processing
Faculty of Music, University of Cambridge
2009 Prior auditory exposure effects on visual beat perception: a cross-modal investigation using fMRI
Workshop on Synchronization in Music and Speech, Free University of Brussels, Belgium
2009 Music, rhythm, and movement: Why we fill the science
Peterhouse College, Cambridge, UK
2009 Moving to the groove: Motor responses in the brain during rhythm perception
Université catholique de Louvain, Belgium
2009 Does phonological short-term memory capacity correlate with rhythmic ability? A comparison of individual differences in nonverbal and rhythm spans
UCL Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience, Timing in Speech and Music Workshop
2009 Feeling the beat: how the brain processes musical rhythm
University of Western Ontario
2009 Rhythm processing in the brain: a focus on motor areas
Universitat Pompeu Fabre, Barcelona
2008 Rhythm and beat perception in the brain
Centre for Neuroscience in Education, University of Cambridge
2008 Rhythm perception in musicians and non-musicians: auditory-motor network modulations
MRC-CBU Lunchtime Seminar Series
2007 Connectivity analyses in neuroimaging investigations: Symposium discussant
Conference on Language and Music as Cognitive Systems, University of Cambridge
2007 The role of motor areas in rhythm and beat perception
Max Planck Institute, Leipzig and also at Bowling Green State University
2006 The role of motor areas in beat-based rhythm processing
Conference on Rhythm, Time and Temporal Organisation The Institute for Music in Human and Social Development (IMHSD)
2006 Neuroimaging and neuropsychology of beat-based and non-beat-based rhythm processing
Rhythms in the Brain Workshop, University of Wales, Bangor
2006 Rhythm processing in the brain
Cognitive Neuroscience Colloquium, University of Wales, Bangor
2005 Beat-based rhythm processing in the brain: Behavioural, neuroimaging, and neuropsychological investigations
Ohio State University, Columbus, OH
2005 Rhythm processing in the brains of musicians and non-musicians
Crosstalk series, University of Cambridge, UK
2004 Rhythm and the brain: Evidence for beat-based timing
School of Informatics, City University, UK
2004 Beat-based rhythm processing and the basal ganglia
Open University, Milton Keynes, UK
2004 The basal ganglia and processing beat-based rhythm in musicians and non-musicians
University of California, Berkeley, and Center for the Study of Language and Information, Stanford University, CA
2004 Rhythm processing in the brains of musicians and non-musicians
Wolfson College, University of Cambridge, UK
2002 Timing networks and rhythm perception
Cambridge University Science and Music Group, UK
2001 Beat-based timing: A matter of complexity?
Cambridge University Signal Processing Colloquium
Click here for publications
Signficant administrative roles:
President: Society for Music Perception and Cognition
Director: Human Cognitive and Sensorimotor Core, BrainsCAN
Director: Western Centre for Brain and Mind
Secretary: Society for Music Perception and Cognition
Journals: Current Biology; Journal of Neuroscience; Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience; Cerebral Cortex; NeuroImage; Cortex; European Journal of Neuroscience; Human Brain Mapping; PLoSONE; Brain and Cognition; Frontiers in Auditory Cognitive Neuroscience; Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience; Neuroscience Letters; Cognitive Brain Research; Experimental Brain Research; Behavioural Brain Research; Social Neuroscience; Cognitive, Affective, and Behavioral Neuroscience; Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance; Journal of Experimental Psychology: General; Attention, Perception, & Performance; Perception; Acta Psychologica, Topics in Cognitive Science; Imaging in Medicine; Empirical Musicology Review; Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, Neuropsychological Rehabilitation, BRAIN; Behavior Research Methods
Funding Agencies:
Panels: Canadian Institutes for Health Research (CIHR): NSA, Project Grant competition (2018)
National Institute for Neurological Disorder and Stroke (NIH/NINDS), Study Section: Music and Health (2019-2022)
National Science Foundation (NSF): Understanding Neural and Cognitive Systems (2016)
Reviewer:Canadian Institutes for Health Research (CIHR); Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC); Canada Research Chairs program; Canadian Foundation for Innovation (CFI); MITACS, Medical Research Council, UK; Austrian Science Fund; French National Research Agency; Parkinson’s UK; Danish Council for Independent Research; Einstein Foundation, Germany; Stroke Association, UK; Research Foundation – Flanders